Our Mission

Dr. Rajiv Narula, Founder

We, as physicians, make new diagnoses and treat acute medical problems on a daily basis. However, due to lack of time or the sheer volume of patients, we often struggle to fully understand the depth of emotional hurdles our patients and their families experience while battling an illness. These life altering diagnoses not only affect them medically but also have an enormous impact psychologically, socially, professionally and financially.

So what exactly happens to our patients once we hand them their hospital discharge summaries and tell them o follow up outpatient?

Who does a mother confide in when while shopping for her first wig after starting chemotherapy?

What does a wife do when she brings her husband home from the hospital and he is unable to speak and paralyzed?

How do families come together to care for their elderly father with Alzheimer’s?

These are the types of things we are interested in learning about, not only our patients but also their families – who often get overlooked in their own struggle. These are real issues that families deal with on a daily basis and often times not spoken about at follow-up appointments. We believe all of this plays a role in the recovery process.

Our goal is to highlight each unique and courageous journey by sharing ‘real stories’ of ‘real patients’ that we hope will provide you with ‘real inspiration.’  There are others who have battled exactly what you and your loved ones may be going through. They have been in your shoes – they have lost sleep over medical expenses, have gotten long stares in public because they look different, they have lost their jobs and even had relationships torn apart ever since that one visit to the hospital. Our patients want you to know that you are not alone. We want you to know that you can get through this.

We are often asked why we call our initiative ‘Blessed Beyond Belief’ – and it’s simple. Every patient we have encountered has always shared a common sentiment. No matter what hurdles they faced, they still felt ‘Blessed Beyond Belief.’ Each found their own unique reason, and so will you!

If you know someone who would like to share their story, please contact us at: share@blessedbeyondbelief.org

 All articles on this site reflect real patient stories. All patients have signed an authorization for use and disclosure of protected health information, required by the health insurance portability and accountability act – 45 CFR Parts 160 and 164. They have given BlessedBeyondBelief.org permission to share their stories and publish their contact information.